
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How Should Christians React to the Supreme Court Ruling on Homosexual Marriage?

I might lose a few supporters after some of you read this post, but that's okay, I still love you! God's spoken word in written form says this in Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Above everything else in this broken world, I am accountable to God, not man. Now some of us would say to that statement,"That is exactly why I have to tell all the homosexual people exactly what they're doing wrong!" This is a very controversial topic today, so let's dive into it.

First off, lets tackle the issue that for some reason we as Christians feel the need to try and "fix" everyone else. What we have to realize is that we don't have the power to change anyone's life any more than we can stop the sun from shining. God's Holy Spirit alone has the power to transform someone's life. The truth is that regardless of WHAT the sin is, we all have it, and there's nothing we can do to justify our self before God, other than putting our faith in Jesus because He is the only one worthy. When we realize this truth, how can we even begin to think that we are better than anyone else?

Second, Homosexuality is wrong. Yes, it is a sin and the bible is very clear on where God stands with this. Realizing this, let's take a look at how Jesus would have approached this situation. In every single example in the Bible of Jesus speaking with someone, he never once condemned them to hell but instead always acted in love. So why in the world would we ever do the opposite? Condemning and demeaning people that are struggling with this sin is simply the wrong way to go about trying to help them. If we really want to see a transformation in their lives, the best way to do that is to love them like Jesus does.

Third, concerning the Supreme Court decision itself, we must stop acting as if God himself is surprised and shocked by this. God is not peering down over a cloud looking at the United States saying "Oh no! What on my green earth am I going to do now?" Yes, our world is broken, people are sinners, churches are corrupt, and politicians lie. But you know what else? The Creator of the universe is still all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere! Romans 8:28 says that He works all things for the good of those that love Him! He is not surprised by the decision, and He certainly isnt shaken by it.

Lastly, the most important thing I want my readers to take away from this post is this: We all fall short and we all fail, but God loves us ALL anyways. No matter how far away you have fallen from God or what you have done in your life, God desires and yearns for a relationship with you because He created you, and He adores his creation. Let love prevail this week, and continue to push headlong towards Christ. God bless you all!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Top Three Ways to Grow and Develop as a Leader

Leaders are people of strength, people that we look to for guidance and direction. They make sure the ship is ready for the voyage. They assign assorted jobs on the ship to ensure the safety and productivity of it. They also steady the ship in midst of rough storms. A leader is a person of courage, honor, loyalty, honesty, and determination. They don't give up when a storm comes their way, and they aren't scared of having the hard conversations when the ship isn't operating at an excellent pace. Even if you aren't a leader, you have probably been under leadership at some point. We should all be developing our leadership qualities, because eventually we will be the person someone looks to for guidance. Here are three ways to grow and develop as a leader.

1) Find a Mentor

No matter what you are doing in your life that requires leadership, find someone who is doing the same thing but has been doing it longer and is better at it than you. If you're a pastor find another pastor, if you're a store manager find another store manager, if you're a father get advice from another father. People tend to think that if you get advice and do what other people have done that it's somehow cheating. It's absolutely not cheating. If another dad has a better way of changing a stinky diaper than you, I think it would be foolish to not at least try it! The advice you can get from a mentor can be what you carry with you for the rest of your life.Take it, and use it to develop as a leader.

2) Have the Hard Conversations

I believe it is human nature to want to pass off the difficult conversations and decisions to someone else. But these conversations are essential to growing you as a leader because they give you experience, and they also help your volunteers or your employees to see you as the leader that they will be willing to follow. Having the hard conversations are also necessary in keeping the "ship" sailing at maximum quality. For example if you have a sailor that isn't doing his job, the ship will suffer because of it. Having the tough conversation to motivate that sailor helps right the ship, and keep it on track.

3) Develop your own Leaders

Especially in a church, leaders have to develop their own leaders. You need people you can count on to get the job done if you aren't there or are needed elsewhere. Being a leader bogs you down eventually with stress and problems, so having leaders around you can help handle some of those duties or situations. Investing in leadership is investing in a vibrant future, and it's something we should all be doing.

This week's post may seem pretty business minded, but I think sometimes Christians forget that church operates very much like a business and can use some of the same practices. The church needs leaders, people who God has put in place to cast vision and give guidance and direction to the church members. Even in our own personal life, having leadership qualities can do nothing but help and support you as you start a family or enter a career. However, above all else, strive to be like Christ and show others the same love that He has shown you. God bless, see you next week on The Pulse!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Focus Shift Game plan: I Don't "Have To", I "Get To".

This week's post is a little different than normal. Usually I'll give you steps or tips for a certain topic to encourage you or help you with your walk with Christ or with your family. But today I want to share my heart with you, because I know some of you may be going through what God has shown me this week.

In every facet of life but in ministry especially, there comes a point where you just don't feel like continuing. It all starts out in the beginning as a passion of yours, and you pour out your heart and soul to put out the best product that you possibly can. All the blood, sweat and tears comes together into something that you can be truly proud of, and you feel great about it. This can be your job, your family, your relationship, etc. But then things start to happen. You may experience some resistance from other people, or you just get so comfortable that you may stop doing the things that made you successful in the first place. So it gets to a point where you no longer "get to" do all the things that you used to love. Those things become "have to's ". I don't "get to" play with my kids, provide for my family, love my spouse, go to Sunday school, or read my Bible. I now "have to" do all of these things. So, what is the solution to this? How do we get out of this rut? The answer can be found in the bible, and it's a shift in our focus.

Philippians 2:14-18 says " Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[a] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky  as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.  But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.  So you too should be glad and rejoice with me." I believe that this text is extremely applicable today in our lives. Paul, the author of this text, had the best perspective in the world. All of the suffering he was experiencing was for the betterment of the gospel. He didn't "have to" share the gospel, he "got to."

Be thankful that you have kids to play with at night, a family to provide for, a spouse to love, a Sunday school to attend, and a Bible to read. Get back to the same passion you had before, and work wholeheartedly as if the Father in heaven is watching your every move, because he definitely is. The work we do, as long as we do it for the Lord, is not in vain. Remember that this week when you are exhausted to the point of wanting to quit because you have so many have to's, and start focusing on how you "get to." God bless you all, and see you next time!!