
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

4 Tips On How to Disciple Your Children

As a Student and Children’s Pastor I always stress to parents that while the church has a vital role in growing children up in the way of the Lord, ultimately we will never have the impact that they can in the lives of their kids. Strong, God loving parents are so important to children, which in turn are super important in our community. We as Christians are called to be productive members of society that stand firm on the promises and command of our Almighty Heavenly father, and it all starts in the home. Here are five tips on discipling your kids to ensure that they grow up with a firm foundation in which they stand on Jesus Christ, the solid rock.
1) Show your children that you are deeply in love with your spouse
The intimacy between a husband and wife is a gift from God, and should be treated as such. Men, open doors for your wives, hold their hands in public, kiss them in front of your friends and your children.Yes, it may gross them out, but it’s okay! Ladies, don’t say bad things about your husband in front of your friends, family or children. These little actions that take place in front of your kids will show them how in love you two are, and will ultimately shape their perception of men and women. One day when the Lord blesses me with children of my own, I want them to be able to say that they want to marry a man like daddy or a woman like mommy. The time that you have with your children and your husband or wife is precious. Show each of them how much you love them
2) Pray regularly in front of your kids
Prayer is an integral part of your life and should be demonstrated to your kids. Actually teach them how to have a conversation with God. I get the idea of the whole ” God is great God is good let us thank Him for our food” blessing of the food, but this isn’t really teaching the children anything but how to memorize something. It isn’t personal to them, and prayer is something that is personal. Pray during the bad times, and pray during the good times. This is extremely important, because our kids don’t need to grow up seeing us praise God when things are going great and then cursing Him when things aren’t. It will ruin their perception of a loving God that cares deeply for us. The dad is the spiritual leader of the household, but He doesn’t have to lead every prayer. Moms, pray with your daughters as well.
3)Show your kids how to be faithful 
This is important in all aspects of life. If you tell your kids you are going to do something, do it. They need to see that consistency from their parents. It’s also important inside the church. Allow your kids to drop the money in the offering plate as it passes by, and teach them why it is that you give back to God in that way. Explain to them why you volunteer for events at church, why you do devotions with them and with your wife. It’s because you love God, and you love his people here on earth. Show them what it means to be a servant and to give back to others.
4)Show them that sharing their faith isn’t so scary
The key with this tip is that we have to learn this for ourselves first (Ouch). If you aren’t sharing Jesus with anyone, don’t expect your kids to do this either. We need to set that example of following God’s commands even if it might be uncomfortable. This will teach your kids to stand on the promises of God even when the odds seem impossible. A good opportunity to teach them is at the grocery store, all parents at some point or another have to drag their kids into Wal-mart or another supermarket. Use this as a teachable moment and allow them to see God work through you.
Children are smarter and more attentive than we realize, and they pay attention to our every move. The Discipleship of your children does not begin at church, it begins at home with YOU, the parents. Take these tips, and use them in your own lives to better equip your children for the work that God has ahead of them. Share this blog and God bless!

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