We live in an age where divorce is almost expected, and spouses fight with each other instead of for each other. I believe with my whole heart that it is because Christ is no longer the center of relationships. The King of Kings has been reduced to a role of a God we talk to only when something tragic happens, and this is never how He intended it to be. Life is hard, and encouragement is needed through it all. Here are three ways to encourage your spouse.
1) Do the things that they like
Odds are that your spouse wont like every little thing that you enjoy doing, such as sports or shopping. Taking the time to go do what the other likes can go a long way to showing how much you really care and how much you support them. If you take a look at how Jesus did life on earth, you'll notice that He put every single person before himself. In fact, that's why the sacrifice was made on the cross. He loves you that much, so we should love our spouses in the same way.
2) Pray with them
This is huge, and it includes the ladies! I'll be totally transparent and say that in my experiences, most women are scared to pray out loud with their husbands and also in public. My Pastor once told me that one of the most encouraging and uplifting prayers he had ever heard was uttered by his wife during his time of need. It wasn't any elaborate,wordy, holier than thou prayer. It was an earnest plea to God to give her husband strength and peace, and He has remembered that simple prayer for years. So ladies, pray for AND with your husbands. They need it. But this does not exclude us men. We are the spiritual leaders of the household, and it's time we start acting like it.
3) Keep it in the House
What do I mean by this? Too many times in the church and pretty much everywhere else in life do I see people degrading other people in rumors and gossip. It turns into he said she said nonsense, instead of people working it out together. We have a motto at SSBC. "We don't talk about people, we talk TO them." If you have a problem with your husband, tell HIM not your girlfriends. Likewise, husbands don't go complaining about your wife to your buddies. It's always encouraging to your spouse when you work out problems between the two of you, it improves communication and draws you closer to each other.
If I could add a fourth bullet point. I would say that it is absolutely pivotal for a marriage or relationship that you both pursue Christ ahead of pursuing each other. If you want to show your spouse love and encouragement, there is no better source of love and encouragement than what we find in Christ Jesus. I hope you are enjoying the blog's content, and I pray blessings on you and yours. God Bless!!
Well done! Good stuff to apply and live by! Looking forward to next week.